Distance - 36.37 miles
Time - 2.38.18
Max speed - 29.5
Odometer - 552.5
This was an organized ride through the Grand Rapids cycling club, the Rapid Wheelmen. I was pretty excited about the ride and meeting some new people that I could possibly start riding with. I got there and checked in and then took off with some random people. It seemed like everyone had their organized groups they were riding with. So I ended up alone. Aw poor me! I didn't mind so much. It gave me time to think and to learn a new route that actually did go near GVSU. The first rest stop was at a church and had awesome food! Lots of fruit, trail mix, and various drinks. I think I was feeling shy or something. I really didn't speak to people. And those with similar jerseys seemed to be hanging out together for the most part. So off I went just to finish the ride. Because I hadn't had anyone waiting for me when I finished the 5/3 Run, I had asked Gail to come and be there at the end of my ride. That proved rather silly the way the ride turned out. lol It was just me finishing and it hadn't been much trouble for me to do so. But it was nice that she was there. Afterwards, I'm not sure where she had to go. But I went downtown to Maggie's Kitchen and got some of the best tacos in town. (= Mexican food after a bike ride... perfect!! I'm glad I did the ride but I wish I'd been more social... or, more preferably I wish I'd accidentally gotten into a group that rode about the same pace I did! (=