Thursday, August 28, 2008

EPPP - Licensing Exam

Is a test an adventure? I guess it can be. This particular test isn't outdoors, so maybe writing here is inappropriate. But... how many times do I have to write it before it gets through your thick skull?? It's *MY* blog! (= So I'm studying for the EPPP. The licensing test for psychologists. And it sucks. No wait. I mean, it's awesome! One good thing, which I always enjoy, is that I'm learning and re-learning some things. Some not so useful and some quite useful. My trouble areas are neuropsych and stats. Always have been. And it's showing up here too. But my practice test scores are improving all the time. This is a very good thing. I still haven't gotten the confirmation regarding the range of dates I have to take it. I'll get a letter eventually that will have a 60-day period in which I have to take the test. Then it will be crunch time!

The test is 225 items, 25 of which don't count because they are just testing them out for future versions. Problem is, I won't know which 25 don't count! I'll have 4 hours and 15 minutes to complete the exam. The test has eight content areas: biological bases of behavior; cognitive-affective bases of behavior; social and multicultural bases of behavior; growth and lifespan development; assessment and diagnosis; treatment, intervention and prevention; research methods and statistics; and ethical, legal and professional issues. Much of it is already in my head. Hidden in quagmire! Some of it is nowhere near my brain. So I'm doing the best with what I've got. And praying a lot!

During this time, I am grounded from my bicycle. I'm back at work so I don't have as much free time as I did over the summer break. I could camp if we could come up with a good time to go. But we haven't. So, basically, I study and exercise. That's it. I get a movie as a reward once in awhile. That's a good thing.

Everyone around me will be very happy when this process is done!