Friday, July 13, 2007

Geneva toward Albert Lea

Distance = 21.06
Time = 1.37.01
Max speed = 22.0 mph
Average speed = 12.9 mph

Again with the waiting until the last minute! lol Lorrie and I had spent the weekend with my mom after she hurt her back. I got up early and made them both breakfast to eat out on the back patio. Then we sat and chatted out there. The weather was so nice and mom had been cooped up inside for a few days. Then I got the bright idea that we could watch one of our movies out there. ha! That was too funny and certainly didn't work! We decided it was too hot to ride at that time so we watched the movie with the intention of riding afterwards. My dad came back from a motorcycle trip around that time so we chatted with him for a little while before getting ready. Finally, everything organized and ready. We were on the road. Honestly, I was bored! lol There was a headwind. But that wasn't a huge deal. I just wasn't into the scenery for some reason. Plus I have been on that particular road a million times now... running and driving. Anyway, we turned toward I-35, passed over it into Clarks Grove then turned at corner where Bulldog's Bar and Grill is. hehe I love "country directions." We were supposed to stay on that road for a very long time. At about mile 10 I pulled over to check on the time and everything. I knew we wouldn't make it all the way into Albert Lea because of the time. My dad was grilling steaks for us upon our return! I decided we should turn around, which ended up being a good choice. Going back always seems a little faster to me. There may have been a pretty good tailwind but I'm not sure. We raced and goofed around some. I made her ride in front some so that she could feel what it is like. But then she took off. lol We stopped at the corner store for Lorrie to get a drink and then had only a few miles, on that boring road, to get home. It wasn't my most exciting ride. I know that was because of my attitude. But it was good that we got out and rode some. TRAM is coming up very quickly! July 22nd! Yikes!

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