Saturday, April 17, 1993

Waterton Canyon/Colorado Trail

Distance - 16.11 miles
Time - 1.52.18
Max speed - 23mph

Today was quite a long ride at 16.11 miles. It was great for working on endurance and fat loss but my butt is not very happy. Water was the same with quite a few people enjoying the beautiful day. Six miles to the big dam and my legs were really starting to ache. But once I got there I just couldn't talk myself out of exploring a small amount of the Colorado Trail. So off I went. I stopped at the top of a grueling .25 mile hill to check out a map and it turns out there is a loop that comes out at the top of Waterton. So, I went up the rest of the grueling .5 mile jeep road when it turned into beautiful singletrack. I couldn't believe I had never done this before. I continued up for 2 miles and then decided I was too hungry and tired to finish the 5-mile loop so I turned around and raced down at a max speed of 23 mph! It was very windy so going down Wateron was really not that easy. I finishe dwith 16.11 miles in 1 hour 52 minutes 18 seconds! It was a very fulfilling day.

All I can say to this is.... CUTE! lol "Grueling!" lol Actually that is quite a difficult little hill. Very short but very steep! And that I was too hungry to finish 5 extra miles. (= That's just cute. And I would say that 23 mph at that time for me was pretty damn good! Guess my quest for speed was just natural! (= It's fun for me to read these old entries!

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